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The teaching of science at Bishop Loveday school follows the statutory guidance of the National Curriculum. Details of our curriculum can be found on The Warriner Trust Website.

In addition, we recognise the vital part that Science plays in igniting children's curiosity and wonder about the world around them. Scientific investigation satisfies that curiosity with knowledge and can engage learners on so many levels.

During lessons, we encourage all children to work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate different scientific concepts and ideas. Teachers plan enjoyable, engaging and inspiring practical activities that offer the children lots of opportunities for hands-on experience and build upon the skills and knowledge gained in previous years. Lessons frequently link science concepts to everyday life so the children can come to an understanding of natural phenomena and events in the world around them. In line with our ‘Growth Mindset’ approach, science lessons also aim to develop our children’s resilience, open-mindedness and independence.