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School Uniform


We have a school uniform and it is our hope that all parents will support the school uniform policy. 

The school colours are red, grey and white.


  • red sweatshirt or cardigan (school logo optional)
  • plain white shirt, blouse or polo shirt or a red polo shirt (school logo optional)
  • grey pinafore dress or skirt
  • long or short grey trousers
  • plain socks or tights (school colours of red, grey, white or black)


  • all footwear should be black
  • shoes should fasten securely with buckles, Velcro, laces or zips
  • children are able to wear plain, black trainers
  • no heels please

Badges and t-shirts with slogans are not acceptable. 

PE Kit

With the exception of Early Years, all children should come to school wearing PE Kit on their PE days.

  • plain black shorts
  • red polo shirt (school logo optional)
  • black jogging bottoms/black leggings and sweatshirt for outdoor PE (optional)
  • trainers (any colour) for outdoor and indoor PE (all years)
  • plimsolls (Early Years)


Jewellery is not appropriate for school, however one pair of simple plain stud earrings may be worn but should be removed for swimming and removed (or covered) for all aspects of PE. Pupils are responsible for the removal and/or covering of their own studs. 

Long hair should be tied back during the school day and must be tied back for all aspects of PE.

Sweat bands or other bands should not be worn. 


All items that are non branded can be purchased from any outlet.

All branded items with the school logo, including the red fleece lined waterproof coat, are available from Cross Embroidery.

Address  Units 5-6 Lower Cherwell Street, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 5AY.

Telephone  01295 270555

Orders can be placed and paid for online by visiting their website

Alternatively, click here to read the Cross Embroidery document with information relating to new starter uniform.